As your Austin Representative, we will:
- Serve as your designated Austin Carrier Representative in accordance with Texas Labor Code §406.011 and Texas Administrative Code (DWC Rules) §156.1.
- Make daily trips to the Division to deliver, sign for, and pick up mail: (date stamp, sort, and electronically redistribute the mail to the appropriate designated claims adjuster.)
- Review plain language notices and other mailings to determine if they satisfy the Division’s standards for sufficiency.
- Electronically forward Division bulletins, memos, newsletters, and alerts.
- Coordinate communications with the DWC and request private meetings with Division leaders to address substantive concerns.
- Attend DWC public hearings, committee meetings, stakeholder or focus group meetings, and conferences.
- Respond to special requests from DWC.
- Monitor and track all workers’ compensation legislation filed in the Texas Legislature.
- Attend Committee Hearings in both the Texas House and Senate on important legislation.
- Send regular bulletins that discuss the nature and status of each bill and an analysis of the potential impact of the bill on the Texas Workers’ Compensation System.
- Respond to DWC performance reviews and audits.
- Publish newsletters on important workers’ compensation issues.
If you would like the Law Office of Ricky D. Green to provide legal representation for any of these services, please
contact at: or complete our request form today.